Crime Prevention

                   Crime Prevention Tips and Resources

The world we live in has become increasingly dangerous. On any given day, we might find ourselves in a physically dangerous situation.  With proper precautions taken and advance preparation, we can increase the likelihood of coming out of those situations safely.

Theft Prevention

 Below is a list of three things we can do to minimize opportunities for criminal activity:
  1. Learn about Crime Trends and how to Protect Yourself and your loved ones, then do what you can to improve safety.
  2. Learn About Neighborhood Watch
  3.  Join or start your Local Neighborhood Watch and collaborate with Law Enforcement in reducing theft crime in your community.

Assault Protection

           The Metropolitan Police Department has some great tips for guarding against both assault and robbery on the website.

Terrorism Watch and Awareness

           These days, any country in the world is at risk for a terrorist attack. The United States is no exception. For updates regarding current terrorist related incidents and concerns, is a great online source.  To learn more about what you can do to be prepared for specific types of terrorist attacks you can check out the Counter Terrorism Fact Sheets on their website.

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